Rhônes/ 2017

Le cours du Rhône du passé au futur. Segments réinterprétés d'après des cartes anciennes et actuelles, de l'état sauvage à la troisième correction.
Un merci particulier à Muriel Borgeat-Theler (Coordinatrice « culture, formation et recherche – Rhône » et cheffe de projet à la FDDM), à Alain Dubois (archiviste paléographe et archiviste cantonal aux archives de l'Etat du Valais) et Denis Reynard (archiviste aux archives de l'Etat du Valais) pour leurs explications, leur soutien et la mise à disposition de cartes.
The Rhône is a river leaving the Alps, crossing the Valais and Lake Leman to finish its course in the Mediterranean Sea. The course of the river in the Valais region has been corrected twice to contain its floods. Currently the third correction has begun and is called "the construction work of the century".
This artistic work superimposes sections of the course of the Rhone in the past, present and future.
Special thanks to Muriel Borgeat-Theler (coordinator for culture, training and research - Rhône and project manager at the FDDM), Alain Dubois (paleographic archivist and cantonal archivist at the archives of the State of Valais) and Denis Reynard (archivist in the archives of the State of Valais) for their explanations, their support and the provision of maps.